Ikangba Estate

  • ₦13K/mo
  • Beds: 4
  • Baths: 2
  • 1200 Sq Ft
  • Commercial, Residential


501 Brickell Key Dr STE 400, Miami, FL 33131, USA
  • ₦890K
  • ₦3.7K/sq ft
  • Beds: 3
  • Baths: 2
  • 1450 Sq Ft
  • Commercial, Residential, Single Family Home

Welcome To Ogun State Housing Corporation

Where we create Housing for All

The Ogun State Housing Corporation came into existence at the creation of Ogun State of Nigeria in April 1976.The Corporation was established and formalized through the enactment of Ogun State Edict No 11 published in the Ogun State of Nigeria Gazette No 12 Volume 2 of 16th June 1977.This Edict was subsequently repealed by the first Legislative of the Ogun State of Nigeria House of Assembly (1979-1983) and substituted through the House Bill No.3 of 1983 by the Ogun State Housing Corporation Law of 1938, published in the Gazette No.26 Volume 8 of 23rd June 1983 with the same functions and powers as shown in section 6 and 7(i) of the repealed Edict.The Corporation therefore became a corporate body with perpetual succession and a common seal with powers and functions within the ambit of the law governing her.

Perhaps it is pertinent to state that the Ogun State Housing Corporation inherited some assets and liabilities of the then Western Nigeria Housing Corporation.The Corporation inherited two Estates located at Ibara, Abeokuta and Igbeba at Ijebu-Ode from the defunct Western Nigeria Housing Corporation.Out of the 52 houses inherited at Ibara Estate, forty (40) were immediately taken over and allocated as Staff Quarters; five (5) were converted to office occupied by the Corporation and the remaining seven (7) sold to some interested members of the public.Out of the 42 houses inherited at Igbeba Estate, Ijebu-Ode, 30 houses were converted to staff quarters, while the remaining 12 were sold to the public.

With the large number of State Government officials deployed to serve in the State, there was a pressing need of suitable housing accommodation.In realization of the functions and objectives of the Corporation, the Ogun State Housing Corporation immediately embarked on the construction of three hundred and seventy (370) 3-bedroom Bungalow with garages at the Ibara Estate between 1976 to early 1978, and these houses were all converted to staff quarters.

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